Watch the best videos of Alaripu, performed by various great Gurus & young dancers. enjoy their dance and experiments with Alaripu!
* Bharatanatyam invocatory items demonstration & recital of Pushpanjali and Alapiru:
Kalakriya (Kalakshetra Bani)
* Prof. C. V Chandrasekhar- Ganesh Stuti & Tisra Alaripu:
* Leela Samson- Alaripu:
* Vyjayanthimala- Bharatanatyam dance New Delhi 1956
* Rama Vaidyanathan- Mayur Alaripu:
*Anwesha Das- Alaripu Performance at Balaji Temple:
* Alaripu performed by Jai Jagdish:
*Rasaanubhav- bharatanatyam dvd- Dr. Janaki Rangarajan:
* SICA Nrityotsav 2014- Shiva Alaripu - Kiranmayee Mudupu:
* Pavitra Bhat:
* Alaripu- Maurice Bejart:
* Alaripu by three Aksha:
* Rajika Puri and Nirali Shashtri- Anga- a new bharatanatyam alaripu:
thank you You tube!
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